So I was right about work last night, what a shit show!!!! Just like every Saturday I get to deal with the blondies (not that I have anything against them) and their Malibu and what the fuck evers. You know what though, every weekend I work and listen to bad music all night makes me a stronger person. =p No not really, it just makes me dread the next weekend more. Anyway, aside from that everything is great. I start training again on Tuesday so that should take some of the edge off. Our clothing company got great news today, and I'm counting the days until my set is on the front page so I can have a better view of if my SG dreams are going to become a reality.
I only have one more bitch for this my friend has an absolutely stunning girlfriend. Dark hair, piercings, tatts, this girl is amazing. As I'm bartending last night she goes to the bathroom and I see him giving his number to another girl who is not nearly on her level. WTF??!! This is why I haven't dated in I don't know how long. It seems like people these days don't understand when they have a good thing. Instead of cherishing what they have they will throw it away for anything that looks like a good time. Whatever happened to "in love" or "happily ever after" is there even such a thing anymore??? I guess I'm bitter, I've had my share of heartbreak and I'm obviously not over it. Oh well, tonight I'm going to watch a good scary movie, drink a beer and read a good book. Tomorrow is a new day, and I couldn't be happier about that.

Which Nightmare is your favorite?