Hi, have you seen @matoushka’s set studybug yet ? It just got released and you don’t wanna miss out, believe me !
It was my first set with Matou and I think we nailed it ! She really blossomed as a model throughout the years and it’s some of her best work imo 💖 She’s super expressive and looks amazing ! So playful and seductive, giving us amazing poses ✨
I also feel like her personality really shines through the set, we can see all aspects of it ! A hardworking, studious babe with a naughty and cheeky side, it’s a very Matou set hehe 🥰
I love the theme of the set and her outfit is perfect for Pride Month isn’t it ? Lil bi babe ❤️🔥 I loved shooting her and can’t wait to do it again, she’s really amazing to work with !
It really is one of my most playful sets and I love how she goes from silly expressions, dancing goofball to seductive hottie, that’s some serious range haha 👌🏻 Please keep the love coming, I’d really love to see this set on FP 🙏🏻✨🤞🏻 💖 >> studybug << 💖
@missy @eirenne @lemon @mickey