Hey there ! Have you seen @kaliva's set Chant de l'eau yet ? If not, you're missing out on a very different style from me !
When Kaliva told me she wanted to shoot in this cool ass pool, inspiration flowed instantly ! We brainstormed for a few months beforehand and it was so cool cos we were on the same artistic wavelength 🖤
We knew we wanted something very moody and artistic, kinda like a dark baptism, very sensual and intense and I think we did great ☺ @r_girardi said the set would look dope in b&w when I showed him and boy, was he right !
I think it was THE key element to turn these images into the vision we had in mind ! I'm so proud of what we created together and I gotta say, working with @kaliva was just incredible. The grace, the control, the intensity, she's an exotic dancer and it shows 🔥
I truly believe she's the only one I could have created such images with ! Her raven hair and piercing gaze are really bewitching and the 2nd key to the passion witnessed in this set 💫
I gotta say...I'm floored by the comments on the set. I've never received such praise and such heartfelt and elogious compliments on my work ! It's truly overwhelming and humbling. The numbers could be better but we know b&w + pool sets aren't really members' thing and it still is a success in Kaliva and I's eyes !
We're SO happy that you guys understand us and what we tried to convey and that you appreciate it and all our hard work 🖤 Thank you so, so much from the bottom of our dark hearts !
Please keep the love coming and you never know, maybe we'll get to grace FP together with this very special set 🥰 💖 >> Chant de l'eau << 💖
@missy @rambo @eirenne @lemon @mickey