That time of the year again, eh ?
This year was a rollercoaster of emotions, a proper one. I just looked back at last year's resolutions and I'm happy to say that I checked two, again.
I bought the camera of my dreams and it's so amazing to shoot with it ! I take even more pleasure than I did shooting sets ! I also quit my job. At one point I couldn't work there AND travel every week-end to shoot and my boss was a lunatic. I got sick all the time and was burned out to a crisp so I decided to leave. I've never been happier and scared at the same time. Sooo, here are this year's resolutions !
-Make a living of photography ! I'm building a wedding photography portfolio atm and I can't wait to do that full time, I really enjoy it :)
-Keep standing up for what's right and my beliefs. This year's been particularly challenging in that sense. Being vocal about lies, shitty behavior and dramas in general somehow makes you the bad guy. Funny I know but it was very positive for me since I cut ties with toxic people and reinforced amazing friendships. I'm 27 and I've never been happier with my friends, they're supporting, caring, loving, interesting people. It feels so good to know that your love is shared and mutual. I'm a fierce friend, I'll always defend my friends like a dog, I used to take all the bullets for people that didn't do anything in return. Now I know who my true friends are and I'm gonna take care of the people that truly deserve it and focus on positive stuff only.
-Expand the french SG community ! Not sure you guys know about that but I'm an official recruiter now ! I really feel like french girls should get more recognition. There's been a huge wave of bought sets this week-end and not even one frenchie ! I really don't get it since we have so many babes here doing so good (look at my MR sets guys, I mean, come on !) and I want to work for this to change !
-Make enough money to pay off my loan and be a little more carefree about money, this shit really is alienating at times.
And that's pretty much it. I have projects, desires, wishes but I don't want to be asking too much. Let's see what this year's got in store for me. In 2017 I've adopted a crazy puppy, met amazing people, shot a lot, travelled to the UK and Japan (a dream come true, I have so many photos to work on now !), bring it on 2018 !