This morning I had an interview at a new startup by the name of Cambrian House. I'd seriously love working in such an environment, and I think the conecpt is absolutely brilliant.
I hope I get the job.

Yes, I've been absent. I will be for a little while more. I'm moving into my new place. I'm getting the shakes from not having internet. It's kinda freaky. Checking my email is like getting my drug hit.
Today: Unpack livingroom. Find paint for bathroom.
I hope I get the job.

Yes, I've been absent. I will be for a little while more. I'm moving into my new place. I'm getting the shakes from not having internet. It's kinda freaky. Checking my email is like getting my drug hit.
Today: Unpack livingroom. Find paint for bathroom.
ugh, I need a dental plan BADLY!
Hooray for geek stuff.