So. X3 was...satisfying. Like Return of the Jedi. Fun, a little forced, but still, quite satisfying, in the end.
And Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan stole the fucking show, as always, and while I love Hugh, I always keep thinking he's too tall.
ALSO: The best part of the movie, while it was cool, was seeing the fucking GHOSTRIDER preview.
Anyways, the next couple days will involve the packing of stuff and the days thereafter will be comprised of the moving of stuff.
If there's anyone in Edmonton who wants to help me with the moving of the stuff, I will reward you with copious amounts of food and alcohol.

And Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan stole the fucking show, as always, and while I love Hugh, I always keep thinking he's too tall.
ALSO: The best part of the movie, while it was cool, was seeing the fucking GHOSTRIDER preview.
Anyways, the next couple days will involve the packing of stuff and the days thereafter will be comprised of the moving of stuff.
If there's anyone in Edmonton who wants to help me with the moving of the stuff, I will reward you with copious amounts of food and alcohol.

Well, if you happen to take a nasty detour and find yourself in Austin be sure to say hi.
Here's the comic that I'm dying to see made into a movie: