Thanks for your wonderful comments (as usual) on my last post. It always makes me smile to read what you guys and gals write hehehe!
So, as the title says.... My FIRST NOVEL: AXYS - The End of Illusion is now online and ready for anything you want to give to help out! If I don't reach my goal, your cash won't be taken, so it's a win win (you'll get things in exchange of course!).
Yup, Axys, she's actually based on my SG character, but waaayyyyy more awesome, and her story is pretty impressive too!
The video isn't so awesome, I was kinda in a rush.. But, it's not about the video, it's about THE BOOK!
Blaaahhh blaaahh HERE IS THE LINK : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/axiscomics/a-graphic-novel-designed-to-revolutionize-the-way
MUCH LOVE SWEETIES, have a great night xx