hello. it's my third night in the new place. alone. i distinctly remember being weirded/freaked out by all the other places i've lived, for the first few weeks. like some psycho killer hiding somewhere i can't see is gonna jump out and kill me in some grotesque fashion. obviously just my imagination running away from me, but that's no comfort while it's happening. but that hasn't happened with this place. this place doesn't scare me at all. i don't know if that's because i'm (oddly) comfortable here, or if i've finally managed to kill enough of my brain cells that my imagination is managable. interesting. oh well.
i'd like to have people over some time, but there are two problems with that. 1) there is almost literally no furniture here. to sit on, i have: a stool, a bed, two toilets. 2)there's almost literally no parking. a driveway can hold 2 cars, plus 1 in the garage, so that's 3. but there's like, a dozen parking lots in the entire complex (and it's a good sized complex), none of them closer than probably 100 feet. it's almost like the designers wanted to make it nigh-impossible to have a large group of people over. frustrating.
the furniture issue should (hopefully) be resolved on Tuesday. i'm going to check out the furniture of a friend of my mother's, who wants to sell his stuff apparently rather cheap. if i can get a couch and a new bed, i'll be a happy little guy. oh well. we'll see what happens.
as for the parking situation, right now i'm alone, so i can easily have 2 friends over or something, but more than that, there's a very real possibility that carpooling will need to be organized. and that's difficult logistically, even more so if the people involved are drinking, such as at a party. so i don't know. i'll either figure something out, or i won't. we'll see.
okay, that's all i've got for tonight. yeah, i know it wasn't very interesting or action-packed, but oh well. come back some time, maybe the next one will have car chases and/or shootouts. have fun, and drive safely.
i'd like to have people over some time, but there are two problems with that. 1) there is almost literally no furniture here. to sit on, i have: a stool, a bed, two toilets. 2)there's almost literally no parking. a driveway can hold 2 cars, plus 1 in the garage, so that's 3. but there's like, a dozen parking lots in the entire complex (and it's a good sized complex), none of them closer than probably 100 feet. it's almost like the designers wanted to make it nigh-impossible to have a large group of people over. frustrating.
the furniture issue should (hopefully) be resolved on Tuesday. i'm going to check out the furniture of a friend of my mother's, who wants to sell his stuff apparently rather cheap. if i can get a couch and a new bed, i'll be a happy little guy. oh well. we'll see what happens.
as for the parking situation, right now i'm alone, so i can easily have 2 friends over or something, but more than that, there's a very real possibility that carpooling will need to be organized. and that's difficult logistically, even more so if the people involved are drinking, such as at a party. so i don't know. i'll either figure something out, or i won't. we'll see.
okay, that's all i've got for tonight. yeah, i know it wasn't very interesting or action-packed, but oh well. come back some time, maybe the next one will have car chases and/or shootouts. have fun, and drive safely.
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