What a wild ride recently. Ive been all over from Memphis to Miami to the Carolinas. Things have been going well with the exception of a minor car breakdown that held me in Jupiter, FL for 34 hours. It sucks to have been away from my tools and garage when I needed them most. I build drag race cars and the repair to my daily car would have taken about 20 minutes and cost $120 instead of $770 fucking dollars....
Im getting another tattoo tomorrow thatll make 8 total. Itll be more special than the others because its something that I came up with a friend and we both decided to get it done. On a related note
Theres a great girl out there and Ill be damned if I didnt finally get to meet her. She is intelligent. She is unyielding in her desire to be the best in all that she does. She is a blast to hang with whether getting shitfaced, watching movies, driving around, hangin at the house fuckin off on the net or whatever the situation is. She has a passionate knowledge of motor vehicles of the 2 and 4 wheel kinds. She loves to race. She knows about the internals of an engine and wants to be taught how to perform work on them. She is beautiful even while she slurps down an entire glass of chocolate milk with her eyes bugged out cause shes sucking the straw so hard. She is awesome and if there was a such thing as a perfect girl she would be it in my little world of speed and insanity. Hopefully shell see this and know how much I truly think she fuckin ROCKS! And should you see this thanks for being you its restored some of my faith considering the bitch that was in the explosion and all
Im getting another tattoo tomorrow thatll make 8 total. Itll be more special than the others because its something that I came up with a friend and we both decided to get it done. On a related note
Theres a great girl out there and Ill be damned if I didnt finally get to meet her. She is intelligent. She is unyielding in her desire to be the best in all that she does. She is a blast to hang with whether getting shitfaced, watching movies, driving around, hangin at the house fuckin off on the net or whatever the situation is. She has a passionate knowledge of motor vehicles of the 2 and 4 wheel kinds. She loves to race. She knows about the internals of an engine and wants to be taught how to perform work on them. She is beautiful even while she slurps down an entire glass of chocolate milk with her eyes bugged out cause shes sucking the straw so hard. She is awesome and if there was a such thing as a perfect girl she would be it in my little world of speed and insanity. Hopefully shell see this and know how much I truly think she fuckin ROCKS! And should you see this thanks for being you its restored some of my faith considering the bitch that was in the explosion and all
Aww I love you too This is one of the coolest people I've ever met. And he likes talking things like FORGED INTERNALS muhahaha. This week has been an awesome little vacation