For all of you not in the know, counterfiting is just A.OK in Thailand. If youre in any kinda area where ferang (thai for forginer) migrate you need walk less than a block for fake nike/oakley/northface/vans/CK/or whaterver shoes/socks/shirts/pants/luggage. counterfit ID's of any country/state in the world (in only a few min) fake passports/visas/border tabs. designer lables on suits watchs purses or whatever. Burned DVDs of unrealased movies and all the blockbuster hits. Burned CDs of every kinda crazy music under the sun. Poser sunglasses. It's all here in little booths that get set up and taken down each day after the store fronts of "legitimate" bis close. Personaly i dont go for lables, i dont own a single article of clothing with a visable logo. I dont go for accesories either. I live on a bare minimum of possestions. Which isnt a nobel ideal of zen living or something and isnt because (although slightly influanced by) my econmical status. It's just the gypsy way of life. See how far you carry 3 extra belts or an extra pair of shoes or more than a weeks worth of clothes, when you live out of a backpack moving from one cheep over night room to the next. It gets heavy fast. You know how many hitchhikers get picked up when theyve got a couple bags they're sitting next too? I dont, ive never seen one. So the counterfit market offers me very little. Except the movies. I'm a total nerd for movies. I can quote most every line from a movie i've seen only once. I know the names of everyone involed in a film, i know what other things theyve worked on, i know random facts about mishaps in production, i love that shit. I didnt always. I used to have people bust out big name actors names for some new release that i "have to go see" and be like... Who? was he in that one movie with the guy who had the scar and shot everyone? or something very much like that. Then i got a part time at a Blockbuster and after like the millionth guy comming in asking for "that one movie, with the one guy, and thers the cute girl" its like yeah we have a secection for thouse its called, the store, have a look around. But after a few weeks i started to get the names and everything down only to find out that unlike chemestry, i enjoyed learning all the worthless facts. And so becuase a little money came my way (honest money i sware) i bought a couple movies. The mothman prophecies, the way of the gun, Troy, sky captain and the world of tommarow, resident evil apocalypse, Dead man, Dark Fury, and Ghost in the Shell Innocence. I havent watched them all yet. But my reviews so far as as follows. The mothman prophecies is decent, Gere does a good job as always and the story keeps you guessing up till about maybe the last 15min where you wait for what you know will happen to play out. The cenimatrography is impressive, but the plot leaves with a "thats all?" feel. A movie to watch with someone you're into thats jumpy (cause there are some good, AHH! momements) so by the time the movie's over your more concerned with holding on to eachother than the C class ending. The way of the gun gets an A. A very terentino feel i love bloody sad endings. The main character i personaly relate to, theres a line about if you donate blood and cum and dont live off much you can self sustain, so that could be why i liked it so much. But if you enjoyed natural born killers or true romance youll like this too. (if youhavent seen any of those movies what the hell are you doing reading this go rent them) Troy is another A. Brad Pitt is hardcore and does some amazing mushi status fighting. With all the love drama and excitment that a story thats lasted so long would have to have. Some hilarious lines if you like classic greek litrarure, and enough money went into it to have the battles with thousands of people not look like bad CG work. Sky captain and the world of tommarow is hella my kinda movie, indy jones status. But if you dont go for that cliche adveture story then youd probably hate it. Gwthneth Paltrow is sexy in ever secen though. She even wakes up with perfect hair and makeup after being blow up in a mine. Im a sucker for moist red lips. so.... seen any good movies latly?
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