it was all about the Alemeda County Fare today. Alaskan Pig Racing... Funnel cake... good times. hot weather...

watched L.I.E. again tonight... but with company.
the company were a bit annoying at times....
but that was a good one... for sure.
*hum hum hum* ZARDOZ *hum hum hum*

it's all about these two nice frenchmen.
Lionel Marchetti
Jerome Noetinger

They did one hell of a live music concrete show at the 7hz tonight. Damn damn good.
John Bischoff wasn't too shabby either.

well... another day, another dollar.
modesto practice went well. got the sopes... they were kick fuckin ass. the one taco's Jessica in modesto has them for a dollar... what a damned deal.

the rock show went fairly well tonight... actually damned well. and there was quite a decent crowd. it helped that it was free... but hey...
pat on the back for the rock band.

well ... good night.
good news: got to see gravy train... and they kick ass!

bad news: came down with food poisoning right before during and for a long while after there set.. ARG!
was out for 36 hours.. and still the bodies not competely recuperated.. . F!

saw some "league of gentleman" tonight.. good stuff.
saw "american idols" tonight as well. good stuff.

it's off to modesto for...
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another day... another ....

returned the Ex cd... got two in its place...
New one from Philip Jeck (turntable experimental ambienty stuff), and the Fanfare Ciocarlia
a romanian gypsy band... kick fuckin ass.
its exactly like the music in "Underground" ...that yugoslavian flick that won a lot of awards a few years back.

went to the Yoko Ono opening... crowded as ass.. didn't get to...
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it was a day..
had company got two cds that i'll probably return,
this kind of punishment s/t and Ex mudbird shivers. both discs have one amazing song each... but why oh why couldn't the rest be like that? ..

go Leo Marks "between silk and cyanide" today... exciting. and had quite a nice "chat" with the girl at the bookstore about edogawa rampo...

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rock-n-roll practice went well... . new songs coming along, and my jitters about next weeks "gig" are being relieved to an extent. we'll see how everything goes next week... hopefully we'll have 2 new songs for the world.. not just one.

ate at tommy's joint. fine as usual.

watched the blue velvet disc tonight with the roomates. seen it plenty of times, and loved it...
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got the 520 today. took home some pal dvds.
well.. it works. but despite fooling around with different video filter settings, i either get tons of combing or lots of jittering. ... but so far that was really only on the "brother" dvd. the others weren't quite so bad. and That i already have a domestic version of. BUT... the doc on the brit version...
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well well well. way to prove me wrong.

so ... .
Just saw, Island of the Alive. Otherwise known as the 3rd and final and best installment of the "It's Alive" series of movies by Larry Cohen.

When that man works with Michael Morriarty nothing can go wrong.

Tried to make the Blue Carauco drink from CQ tonight... wasn't so hot.

Saw City of Lost...
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a lot of Miike's stuff has coem out on DVD. Audition came out in a legit amerian release and i copied a friend's Hong Kong release of City of Lost Souls recently. you can find some of his stuff at Le Video in SF.

as for modern electronics, try audiogalaxy.com. they have a surprisingly good selection of modern stuff. it's the best site since Napster.

have fun in Japan. it's an amazing place, even if the panty vending machines are all gone.
as i suspected. no one reads these...

today marks my observence of my insanity.
i submitted payment for the new Malata 520 dvd player. region free pal converting 16:9 correcting glory in a silver slim case. now the brass eye disc is mine... now i can get the family guy on dvd...

saw peeping tom tonight. most amazing movie. my god. written by britains most...
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d'ya mean the UK show 'brass eye'? the dvd is great-- it has the paedophilia special that caused so much trouble last year... have you seen 'the day today'?
ah! takashi miike! did you see 'visitor Q' yet?!
lots of trafic on the way to sacramento... visited my old home and felt sad that someone else lives there now. phil was on bad behavior... and the show was a bit more dissapointing than the last 2. sacramento at night was very nice... looking very much forward to visiting turlock/modesto next weekend. i hat the heat of the day, but the warm nights are...
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slow news day. slept late, had a chease steak, got the EPH reissue Fridge album, and saw "it lives again" the sequal to It's Alive... larry cohen is a genius.
just watch Q, the winged serpent, or "The Stuff" and you'll see why. tomorrow it is off to sacto to see the microphones aka Phil Elvrum... and visit old "haunts" so to speak.