Hello everyone, so happy to be here again! Sooo, let’s start with saying that in these months 2 sets shot by me went in member review and I want to thank you for all the love and support you gave! To me, photography is something where I put a lot of passion, efforts and dedition! So every single set is studied in every pic🙏 first set that went out is of @luxes ! She introduced me in this beautiful world and I am very thankful to her for this! She is my muse and we love to create art together in many situations🍀 So that time we decided (because we both love surf) 🏄♀️ to dedicate an entire set to this theme! Have you seen it? LET ME SURF
The colors are all in armony and I think that blue, green, yellow are perfect for this theme! And we decided to shoot also inside the water… it was amazing 💦! It would be great to reach the front page to see all our efforts get it🙏
Second set shot by me that went out is of beautiful @carortiz! She is a Wonderful woman always full of energy, she is so brave at dance and she dance a lot of times! So also during the set and I love this! She can put a smile on us so easily because she always smile sincerely 🩷 impossible to not love her… and she’s also so fascinating! We shot a particular set that we love a lot: DANCING ON MY DRAGON’S BOOK
what do you think about it? And last but not for important is that in just one week and 4 days is going out in member review! Just a little spoiler then I will talk about it when it’s out🙏
Big Thanks to @missy @penny @sean @lust and all the staff! 🙏🍀