so I've been thinking about halloween costumes for next year - it's never to early to start, and halloween is my favorite holiday. today i thought of some good ones - Sloth from Goonies - i'd have to make a deformed head, but that'd be fun, and it'd be easy to get a Superman shirt and suspenders, Daft Punk - i'd like to find somebody else, get a shiny motorcycle helmet and lights and carry around a boombox playing Daft Punk, which would be awesome, or Lee Harvey Oswald, in the black and white pic of him getting shot. I'd maybe color myself grey and make the face he made, and it'd be even cooler if somebody else dressed like the guy with the cowboy hat and somebody else like Jack Ruby. good times.
here are some examples of what i mean
Daft Punk pictures

here are some examples of what i mean
Daft Punk pictures