Being hangover is awesome. ha. Its was well worth it though. The discussion with Ricky Oyola about beer sports, I.E. flip cup, was legendary. or at least from a drunk stand point. especially when he filled his cup up 100% of the way, when everyone else was filling it about 10%.
Roller Coaster Tycon is the Devil. for real. i now have no life other then creating theme parks. its a nice change from running in circles looking for weapons to kill as many people as possible.
Desktop suck, i miss my laptop. thats about it.
Roller Coaster Tycon is the Devil. for real. i now have no life other then creating theme parks. its a nice change from running in circles looking for weapons to kill as many people as possible.
Desktop suck, i miss my laptop. thats about it.

Yeah hangovers can have its advantages, but not when you feel like puking. Thats never awesome. But when you're still in that "hazed out still drunk" stage, oh man those are hilarity moments