been kinda depressed lately, it sucks.
don't really feel like writing a whole lot right now, but I do know that i'll prolly write a lot soon. i already have the new notebook and pen ready to go.
you should look at my pictures and tell me which ones are your favorites
and what I should take a picture of myself doing or whatever.
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don't really feel like writing a whole lot right now, but I do know that i'll prolly write a lot soon. i already have the new notebook and pen ready to go.
you should look at my pictures and tell me which ones are your favorites
and what I should take a picture of myself doing or whatever.
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turning 25 years old next week. man, I didn't think I was ever gonna be this old. even though i'm really not that old anyways.
i still gotta figure out what I wanna do for my birthday. i was thinking about a party, but i don't really have much money right now to buy beer. though I could just make it a BYOB thing and...
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i still gotta figure out what I wanna do for my birthday. i was thinking about a party, but i don't really have much money right now to buy beer. though I could just make it a BYOB thing and...
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Tiiiiiimmme for a new blog 

good to know one actually pays attention to me!
no more girlfriend, i broke up with her because my school life was getting put back to a place I didn't want it to be at, so I had to reprioritize how i do things. so school is back to being on top!
how's everyone been doing though!? i need some friends on here. anyone wanna be my friend?
how's everyone been doing though!? i need some friends on here. anyone wanna be my friend?
aw thanks alkaline! glad to be friends!
how are you doing!?

I have a girlfriend now! woo! :-D
so whoever reactivated my account, thank you! you're awesome! i haven't been on SG in a longg time. I think its been about 3 years. I used to be on a lot when I was in the Navy, but now i'm going to school at Full Sail for Music Business. the whole reason i joined the Navy in the first place. haha
up to big...
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up to big...
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Welcome back then!! x
thanks princessxxx. i wish i had remembered the password to my old account, that would of been great to see my old profile again!
how are you doing?
how are you doing?
i'm was born in Riverside!