Well things aint going too good atm Lea has lost his job .. I had repeatedly told him he would for staying off as much. I know it was because he wanted to be with me but jobs are hard to come by atm. His parents are not too happy, hes not a happy bunny and neither am I. All he wants to do now is move here with me but things aint heading that way atm as the cash situ is worse now than before.
Damn I miss him
I am still paying legends of mir i am finally a lvl 24 tao and wearing cool kit. Lea is a lvl 26 warrior and kicks mjor butt :p. Game is expensive though though d2 was bad >.< I am totaslly addicted to this game more than i was with d2 and thats saying something.
Well off to sleep and eat
catch u around sometime
Love u all
Jo xxxx
Damn I miss him

I am still paying legends of mir i am finally a lvl 24 tao and wearing cool kit. Lea is a lvl 26 warrior and kicks mjor butt :p. Game is expensive though though d2 was bad >.< I am totaslly addicted to this game more than i was with d2 and thats saying something.
Well off to sleep and eat
catch u around sometime
Love u all
Jo xxxx
I hope things work out for Lea. I'm sure they will and he will be able to move in with you.