pinched this from Jonnyboy1979
1. Had sex: yes
2. Bought something: milk
3. Gotten sick: yes
5. Been kissed: yes
6. Ate something: cheese sandwich
7. Felt stupid: yes tripped down the stairs
8. Talked to an ex: yes
9. Missed someone: yes all the time
10. Hugged someone: yes
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: my ex Rob .. apart from me
2. Saw you cry : the ex
3. Made you cry: the ex
4. You went to the movies with: another ex
5. You went to the mall with: my mate elzi
Last person you....
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: my ex Rob
2. Got in a fight with: can't remember
Have You...
3. Been to California: no
4. Been to Mexico: no
5. Been to China: no
6. Been to Canada: no
7. Been to Europe: i live In England
8. Been to Central America: no
some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: does more than one person count?
2. What book are you reading now: Stephen King - Needful Things
3. Worst feeling in the world: worry
4. Future KIDS names: aI have 4 kids Hannah nathan jonathan and Luke
6. What's under your bed: umm probs dust bunnies and an old camera
7. Favorite sport to watch: Rugby
8. Location: County Durham england
9. Piercing/Tattoos: both
10. Do you drink: yes
11. What are you most scared of right now: being alone for the rest of my life
12. Where do you want to get married: I dunno somewhere fun
13. Who do you really hate: myself
14. Do you like being around people: ilove it at times but sometimes i wanna be alone
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chace with: who has not
16. Have you ever cried: yes
17. Are you lonely right now: mmhmm
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: kaiser chiefs- I predict a riot
19. Been in love: Yes.
20. Played strip poker: no
21. Gotten beaten up: yes
22. Been on radio/TV: yes
23. Been in a mosh-pit: yes
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: yes
25. Skinny dipped: no
26. Real name: joanne
27. Height: 5 foot
28. fav food: pasta or chilli
29: Drink: red bull and vodka <3
well Tatt dont hurt but it's leaving black in on my clothes >.< and I am using moisuriser too keep it from gatting dry
Sat drinking carling atm ... well its all i have atm rather have stella
I need sex ... but who don't apart from nuns apparently
I need a hug ... actually need lots of hugs and the feeling of someone close
I need fun .. lots of it
I need food but can't be assed to go get some
I need louder music
mmm Rammstein
I need a new life .. do wal mart sell em?
1. Had sex: yes
2. Bought something: milk
3. Gotten sick: yes
5. Been kissed: yes
6. Ate something: cheese sandwich
7. Felt stupid: yes tripped down the stairs
8. Talked to an ex: yes
9. Missed someone: yes all the time
10. Hugged someone: yes
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: my ex Rob .. apart from me
2. Saw you cry : the ex
3. Made you cry: the ex
4. You went to the movies with: another ex
5. You went to the mall with: my mate elzi
Last person you....
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: my ex Rob
2. Got in a fight with: can't remember
Have You...
3. Been to California: no
4. Been to Mexico: no
5. Been to China: no
6. Been to Canada: no
7. Been to Europe: i live In England
8. Been to Central America: no
some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: does more than one person count?
2. What book are you reading now: Stephen King - Needful Things
3. Worst feeling in the world: worry
4. Future KIDS names: aI have 4 kids Hannah nathan jonathan and Luke
6. What's under your bed: umm probs dust bunnies and an old camera
7. Favorite sport to watch: Rugby
8. Location: County Durham england
9. Piercing/Tattoos: both
10. Do you drink: yes
11. What are you most scared of right now: being alone for the rest of my life
12. Where do you want to get married: I dunno somewhere fun
13. Who do you really hate: myself
14. Do you like being around people: ilove it at times but sometimes i wanna be alone
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chace with: who has not
16. Have you ever cried: yes
17. Are you lonely right now: mmhmm
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: kaiser chiefs- I predict a riot
19. Been in love: Yes.
20. Played strip poker: no
21. Gotten beaten up: yes
22. Been on radio/TV: yes
23. Been in a mosh-pit: yes
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: yes
25. Skinny dipped: no
26. Real name: joanne
27. Height: 5 foot
28. fav food: pasta or chilli
29: Drink: red bull and vodka <3
well Tatt dont hurt but it's leaving black in on my clothes >.< and I am using moisuriser too keep it from gatting dry
Sat drinking carling atm ... well its all i have atm rather have stella
I need sex ... but who don't apart from nuns apparently
I need a hug ... actually need lots of hugs and the feeling of someone close
I need fun .. lots of it
I need food but can't be assed to go get some
I need louder music

I need a new life .. do wal mart sell em?
My LPU name is!
Nice pics. liked them a lot.