Tonight it all is beatiful
each moment captured in a frame
The moon in all it's radience
and you in all the same
Their shadows were a comfort and erie all in one
someone to take us from this palce finally had come
She danced to the music we smiled and said good night
This time with you my darling such wonder and delight
Your lips were soft before the dark
which has now become light.
the voices becon me to sleep
and rest this endless plight
My dreams speak of sweetness as I see you there
Everything is beautiful of this I'm now aware
each moment captured in a frame
The moon in all it's radience
and you in all the same
Their shadows were a comfort and erie all in one
someone to take us from this palce finally had come
She danced to the music we smiled and said good night
This time with you my darling such wonder and delight
Your lips were soft before the dark
which has now become light.
the voices becon me to sleep
and rest this endless plight
My dreams speak of sweetness as I see you there
Everything is beautiful of this I'm now aware
Have a great week!
albeit would be nice to have my body "devoured" in certian ways...