Wednesday Jun 28, 2006 Jun 28, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email mmmm cherries!!!!!! VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS tilpacer: Well, maybe I will just have to learn to cook from someone else then. Yeah, you sounded really bad yesterday. I hope you get better soon. Jun 29, 2006 tilpacer: Awww.... But spicy soup should help. I didn't say I wouldn't go to get some Indian food with you. I like the butter chicken... And the bread... Get better soon. *big hug* There, if that don't cure it.... something else will. Jun 29, 2006
Yeah, you sounded really bad yesterday. I hope you get better soon.
I didn't say I wouldn't go to get some Indian food with you. I like the butter chicken...
Get better soon. *big hug* There, if that don't cure it.... something else will.