Well people, I just got some word that I have to go London for a month. It turns out that one of our clients has specifcally requested me and since I'm pretty lenient to these kind of things I accepted. Unfortunetly I won't be able to visit this site on the company laptop so.... Good bye guys and gals and hopefully I would be able...
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Alright everyone, after posting my whorish thread. I realized that I have made a lot of mistakes by lying to a lot of people only to benefit me. So those of you who are reading this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for becoming the very thing that I have gone against.

Jeez, I have been waking up in the middle of the night. Talk about jet lagged. Well, now that I left North Carolina, next assignment to get some guys out an Atlanta based office to give us their money. he he he. Jeez, I got to stop using Ephedrimine. Now way I just said jeez.... DAMN IT!

Alright everybody, things at work are pretty much going smoothly. However, the traveling is going up and I'm still seeking my photographer. If I'm going to do a set, I want it to be in good quality and not with a webcam. Just wish I could get some more support.
Alright everybody, Spooky went above and beyond the line of duty for a majority of guys. A suicide boys? Hmmm, I wonder..... If they can why can't I? I just hope I can find a good photogropher.
go for it..I think sg boys is a good idea...
Alright everyone, I know that I haven't written on this thing in forever. However, I have been having a lot of work lately at the office. In fact, I was told I am going to have to work out of the Washington D. C. office in April. I'm not too excited about that but oh well. I see that the lovely Zona wrote to me.

Well after a very strange week at the office I am back to normal. It's weird. Lately they have been giving me a lot of time off. Emily also wrote, hope she's doing better. I'm going out with one of the new guys who was hired. He's new from Chicago and decided to show him around considering a lot of the assholes won't give him...
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thanks for the compliments. i dont recognize the quote, unfortunately, but really like it. mind telling me what it's from?
Hi Everyone, guess what? I just came back from Caracas on a business trip. And I can see that Emily wrote me back. Sweet!
Yeah he said something the other night how he didnt want to lose me....Then he said as a friend,i dont want to lose you....I told him that he lost me a long time ago..It will take some time to get over him...But in the end,it will all work out...
welcome to your world huh...So you know how I'm feeling....
Hello everyone. As you can see, I have changed one of my favorite girls to Emily. Why do you ask? I just find her so damn intriguing with that attitude. I'm up for a challenge any day. Anyways, day 3 of the vacation is pretty good. Got some beach time in but also knocked out that report I told you guys about. Tomorrow is my...
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Alright, vacation has officially begun. I have to do the family thing today and tomorrow and parents anniversary after that but hoping to kick in some beach time on Friday. I might have to take the laptop to the beach to be able to catch up on that report I had to write about those retards from the previous entry. My buddy from New York...
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Happy Christmas