Ok guys,
I know that noone likes that "vote for me" spam, but, in this situation I can't avoid this because you can make my dream comes true!
I am going to visit US in April, where, besides of everything, I want to come on the best ever retro and pinup event Viva Last vegas Rockabilly Weekend! And I also can be oen of the finalists of the Pinup contest!
I am already in online voting round and all what I need now it is you and your help! Spend a couple minutes for me and I will remeber that forever!
If you have not voted for me yet,
1) go to the pinup contest page. It s better to use your PC or tablet
2) Scroll down until you find Avrora
3) Click vote, enter your email and deal with capcha!
4) go on your email and follow the link to confirm the vote!
No worries they will never send you any spam!
You can vote 1 time from 1 emal and 1 IP so you can also give me another vote form your work, haha :)
This actual till the end of Janiary, so 2th Feb I will post if I am sucseed or no!
I really appreciate any single vote and support! <3
ph by @akril
Jaw drop
just stunning!