I came to give a spoiler of my next set that will go up in 2 weeks, Smoke signal, is a set where I dedicated myself enough and it took a lot of work to be able to do it. There were several problems during the rehearsal, but in the end it all worked out, and I really hope you like it.
This set was photographed by @arthemis , I love her work. She is an amazing woman.
I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who took some of their time to give me love and praise on my Debut Set "SEXY BARBIE METAL", I was very happy with everyone's affection, and those who didn't check it out still go take a look , I will leave the link. Thank you to everyone who came to look, I love each of you.
He was also photographed by the wonderful @arthemis.
Link: https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/avril/album/4877352/sexy-barbie-metal/
@missy @penny @lemon @eirenne @suicidegirlsbrasil @yessybear @jacqueline