So I had this huge catch everyone up blog written and it was eaten up by my work pc never to be seen again. Instead I'll tell you about my day.
I was woken up by the roomie cause my alarm didn't go off.
I rush around hoping that I will have time to wash up before going to work . . . I do but just barely.
Work starts with 3 people telling me about how I suck (not those words but the meaning was clear) in regards to something I can't even control.
All my co-workers continue to slack like they have been for a month and I get more work, and then some more and then I get a txt from my youngest brother. He is flying home from TX you see and his flight leaving from Dallas is delayed. He should have been here at 6:30 in Newark waiting for me to swing by and get him.
His txt says he won't be in till 9pm due to a problem with the plan.
It's 9:15 as I write this. There were hail storms in Dallas, plane didn't leave on time. He won't be here till 11. I want so badly for this day to be over but it JUST WON'T DIE.
I suppose the upside is there are only 2 more days before the weekend. Wish me better luck with them please.
I was woken up by the roomie cause my alarm didn't go off.
I rush around hoping that I will have time to wash up before going to work . . . I do but just barely.
Work starts with 3 people telling me about how I suck (not those words but the meaning was clear) in regards to something I can't even control.
All my co-workers continue to slack like they have been for a month and I get more work, and then some more and then I get a txt from my youngest brother. He is flying home from TX you see and his flight leaving from Dallas is delayed. He should have been here at 6:30 in Newark waiting for me to swing by and get him.
His txt says he won't be in till 9pm due to a problem with the plan.
It's 9:15 as I write this. There were hail storms in Dallas, plane didn't leave on time. He won't be here till 11. I want so badly for this day to be over but it JUST WON'T DIE.
I suppose the upside is there are only 2 more days before the weekend. Wish me better luck with them please.
Thanks for adding me. Your day sounds exhausting. I can relate, yesterday seemed like it would never end. I hope the rest of the week goes by smoother.