i have this crazy day dream. i quit my job, and i move to seattle (i don't know why it's seattle but it just is) and i get a low responsibility job. like a coffee shop, or a music store, something laid back. and i make minimal money, and live in a cramped apartment, but i'm the happiest i've ever... Read More
I totally know what you mean about that. My dream is to live in alot of different places. Los Angeles, New York, San Fransico, Dublin, and London. Maybe even Japan for a while. But i gotta avoid the haunted houses.
but i had to blog about my dream. well i couldn't sleep at all last night. i was up until like 4, just tossing and turning. anyway....i took a xanax to help my mind stop racing....then a little after that my head started really hurting so i took my migraine medicine (which i havent' taken... Read More
AHHH i'm going to see goo goo dolls now!! woohoo!!!
you know the lies they always told you
and the love you never knew
what's those things they never showed you
that swallowed the light from the sun
inside your room
johnny resnick is so going to sweat on me!!!
thank you milliondead for the beautiful roses and teddy bear. you are too sweet. thank... Read More
FROM THE CAR!! it's very badly punctuated....so just deal hehe.
we love you guys!!!
10:56am Okay so I am coming to you via saveme's car. We are currently lost and thankfully reverendash is doing his best to get us out of cape code and back on 95. I got too see the sagamore bridge and a big boat though. Hehe. Saveme decided that if we... Read More
some sneaky gnome of some kind snuck into my room last night, and set my alarm for 6:30am. i finally woke up at 9, and i'm exhausted because i wasn't really sleeping, rather i was beating the shit out of my alarm. today is a good day. for some reason i'm up and getting shit DONE. i completely revamped my apt yesterday and cleaned like... Read More
it's fucking friday!!! FINALLY! i can't get too excited, i have to teach tomorrow. bleh....but it's my last friggin saturday thank God. thank you all for the wonderful wishes again yesterday. i'll catch up with all of you tonight. i had a dream last night and Mongoofy was in it. but it wasn't really him, he was someone else, but it looked like him. weird.... Read More
so i'm running out the door to teach. 8am - 3pm at least i went to bed the earliest i have this entire week. 2am....NICE. i'm so taking a nice long shower when i get home, then i'm probably going to pass out.
i leave you with christmas cheer from one of my all time fave christmas movies. hey i warned you...every post until christmas.... Read More
okay i had to do it....you have to turn your volume way up
i'm happy. i went to dave and busters with work, i won a pink teddy bear so cute. i'll put pics up later. and me and my nj buddies had drinks. i got back to my room to a great voicemail which made me smile, and now i'm off to go back... Read More
I'm assuming Dave & Busters is like an arcade? Woah I keep forgetting you're from Jersey. Hmmmm i've been doing a lot of research in that area lately. Well not physically but over the web and stuff. Awesome that you're in a good mood, and that little snipit of the movie just made me want to SEE that movie. *sigh* Well have a good day today hon, and tell me about this voice mail