i wonder how dollar stores survive. i mean really. i went there today and did my dry goods/cleaning product shopping and spent $23.44. how is that possible. i guess it's because most people won't go to multiple places to shop. i can't blame them. back when i was making enough money for a 4 person family to live on, i didn't care much either. now that i'm hardly making enough to cover rent and my car, i've learned to economize. so thank you dollar general on resler for making my day.
speaking of money troubles, everyone should go visit Kittie, and just say something to cheer up her world. she needs it.
i need to get serious with my writing. i have been writing an hour here, and an hour there, and i'm getting NO WHERE. i should take my laptop to starbucks and have my own write in. they used to do write ins back home, when a bunch of people from the NaNo site would meet up at a coffee place or all night diner and write for hours. it was great! here however, they all go to peter piper (glorified chucky cheese) and bring their little brats. they don't write, they just talk about their children, yell and scream, all while having their laptops open in front of them. makes no sense. i wonder if i'm the only one who feels that way. i should organize my own write in. hmmmm. though it will probably piss people off, but it seems like these days i'm pretty good at that. oh well.
big let down of the day....glade is no longer making....

scent - glistening snow
instead they've come up with 5 other holiday scents that ALL SUCK. i hate you glade. i only have one of these babies left, so i guess i'm going to have to use it sparingly
but i got more...

so i can take another bath tonight.

edited to add this rant:
i'm PISSED because i am the only one who volunteered to organize the gift exchange for PSW, yet it was given to someone else. i really hate the social politics in these groups. makes me feel so not wanted.
speaking of money troubles, everyone should go visit Kittie, and just say something to cheer up her world. she needs it.
i need to get serious with my writing. i have been writing an hour here, and an hour there, and i'm getting NO WHERE. i should take my laptop to starbucks and have my own write in. they used to do write ins back home, when a bunch of people from the NaNo site would meet up at a coffee place or all night diner and write for hours. it was great! here however, they all go to peter piper (glorified chucky cheese) and bring their little brats. they don't write, they just talk about their children, yell and scream, all while having their laptops open in front of them. makes no sense. i wonder if i'm the only one who feels that way. i should organize my own write in. hmmmm. though it will probably piss people off, but it seems like these days i'm pretty good at that. oh well.
big let down of the day....glade is no longer making....

scent - glistening snow
instead they've come up with 5 other holiday scents that ALL SUCK. i hate you glade. i only have one of these babies left, so i guess i'm going to have to use it sparingly

but i got more...

so i can take another bath tonight.


edited to add this rant:
i'm PISSED because i am the only one who volunteered to organize the gift exchange for PSW, yet it was given to someone else. i really hate the social politics in these groups. makes me feel so not wanted.

my mom's sick in bed and i went without telling her. she'd throw a hissy fit if she knew i bought generic but we needed it and it was only a dollar opposed to the name brand for $9!
yeah, the politics in the more crowded groups like PSW can get out of hand. it's had me on the verge of leaving more then once, but i always change my mind.
we've both been in PSW for so long, why the hell aren't we friends?
i love Deunan, and think she's doing a great job as moderator, but i can't help missing the days of when Cathedra or TarNish were moderating. i think i was grey almost the whole time TigerAngel was in charge...but it seems during this grey time is when things started to change.
i remember that Vintage PSW thread you started a while back and everybody got pissed! WTF was that all about? the newbies feeling left out? come on girls, the group existed before you, there were some fine ass chicks that aren't around so much anymore and we should appreciate them now and then.
/end rant.
so glad we're friends now.
oh and that pink chair is cement. SO not comfy