friday night....i'm on the couch watching true lies on TNT, with my cat by my head and the puppy at my feet. i am living the life.
i think i may have a bladder thing going on. all i know is i have to pee ALL the time, and i'm having horrendous cramps. but i'm also ovulating so that could be it. sorry boys...probably should have warned you. ooopsy
i have been SO sleepy lately. it's like i can't get enough. and the only things i seem to want to eat are....

weird huh? i'm not even interested in anything else. and it's hilarious because there is more food in my apartment than ever before because the boy always wanted actual meals.
so i think i'm going to venture out to the grocery store cause they close at midnight, and i'm out of these two food products.
one more week with the puppy...thank God. if anything has proven to me that i may not be up for kids, it's this. it's ALL about the damn dog. all the time. i'm really kind of pissed that scott saddled me with this. i thought i'd just be watching him while scott was at work. nope. it's all the time. it makes me even more angry when he GOES OUT, and i'm here with the dog. but i told him i was pissed about it, and there really isn't anything left to do. well no....he could take the puppy more, but just isn't. he played that, 'then i'll just get rid of the dog" line on me, so said i'd hang onto him till he moves into the house, which is friday. he is damn cute though...the puppy...who's name is jaxx...

and scott took this....i think it's cute for the dog, but my drool is so NOT sexy. lol
i think i may have a bladder thing going on. all i know is i have to pee ALL the time, and i'm having horrendous cramps. but i'm also ovulating so that could be it. sorry boys...probably should have warned you. ooopsy

i have been SO sleepy lately. it's like i can't get enough. and the only things i seem to want to eat are....

weird huh? i'm not even interested in anything else. and it's hilarious because there is more food in my apartment than ever before because the boy always wanted actual meals.
so i think i'm going to venture out to the grocery store cause they close at midnight, and i'm out of these two food products.
one more week with the puppy...thank God. if anything has proven to me that i may not be up for kids, it's this. it's ALL about the damn dog. all the time. i'm really kind of pissed that scott saddled me with this. i thought i'd just be watching him while scott was at work. nope. it's all the time. it makes me even more angry when he GOES OUT, and i'm here with the dog. but i told him i was pissed about it, and there really isn't anything left to do. well no....he could take the puppy more, but just isn't. he played that, 'then i'll just get rid of the dog" line on me, so said i'd hang onto him till he moves into the house, which is friday. he is damn cute though...the puppy...who's name is jaxx...

and scott took this....i think it's cute for the dog, but my drool is so NOT sexy. lol
and he can't get enough of SG. lol
okay i'm off to grocery shop. again back to being single means one or two bags to bring in the house, not 5 million.
nighty night! i hope you guys are having a more fun friday night than i am
i drool TONS. it's gross.
ah well. the sign of good sleep is a lil puddle.