i wish he would have remembered to check the laundry basket of unfolded, clean clothes when he was packing. this way after a day of avoiding crying because i've decided to just block out the memory of his face, and getting through it by cleaning every little thing in my apartment.....when i dumped the laundry basket out on my bed around 1am to just quickly fold some clothes before bed.......i wouldn't have been confronted by 3 pairs of his socks, two t-shirts, a pair of shorts, and a pair of boxers.
i cracked. like hardcore. have you ever cried so hard that you start making weird noises? i believe an "oh God" even came out of my mouth. it was rough. but i just quickly collected the clothes and tossed them in the very back of my closet.
now i'm back to blocking it out. seems to be working. i did check the wife's myspace after the laundry incident. i hate myspace. last night she was all "he better leave her and move out." which i thought was kind funny being that she is admitting to her own world that he left her for me. tonight it says "i love him forever, he made the right choice." so that's that. i wonder if she knows that before he left he told me that he didn't love her one bit, and that he wishes he was strong enough to follow it through and stay with me. and that i will always be in his heart, and will always better than she ever could be. i wonder.
i was good all day people. DAMN LAUNDRY. see this never would have happened if i'd just fold clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. lesson learned.
i may look like hell, but my boobs were pretty perky i must say...

now i'm back to blocking it out. seems to be working. i did check the wife's myspace after the laundry incident. i hate myspace. last night she was all "he better leave her and move out." which i thought was kind funny being that she is admitting to her own world that he left her for me. tonight it says "i love him forever, he made the right choice." so that's that. i wonder if she knows that before he left he told me that he didn't love her one bit, and that he wishes he was strong enough to follow it through and stay with me. and that i will always be in his heart, and will always better than she ever could be. i wonder.
i was good all day people. DAMN LAUNDRY. see this never would have happened if i'd just fold clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. lesson learned.
i may look like hell, but my boobs were pretty perky i must say...
