i don't know why i am so tired lately. it is just driving me nuts. so before i slam my head down on this keyboard, i have to tell you how inept my parents are. so in the continuing saga of me getting my texas license...my parents had to overnight my birth certificate to me today. HA! you think that would be a simple task. i swear i knew that this would not end well, and i even toyed with asking aviendha to go to my parent's house to make sure this got done. but no, i was hoping the people that created me could fed ex a simple piece of paper. well i hoped wrong. so instead of doing that, they sent it express mail to me, even though i said NOT to send it regular mail in any way because of issues recieving it here, and if there was a problem to CALL me. so it looks like i may have to cancel my business trip next week, because i have nothing to get me on a damn plane. can you tell me how overnight fed ex is the same as 2 day express? i'm still trying to figure out that one.
CURRENT MUSIC - promiscuous - miss nelly furtado - don't get mad, don't be mean
CURRENT MUSIC - promiscuous - miss nelly furtado - don't get mad, don't be mean
Take it for me, parents just don't understand