Hi all, hope you're doing well!
I was recently told that I should post more, so I thought I'd heed the advice from @melusine2908 & do just that; thanks for the inspiration! <3
One thing that used to bug me about celebrations, was the giving of cards. Not that I don't like the custom, but I found it increasingly hard to find cards I liked, unless I wanted to pay a fair amount of cash... So, I decided that I'd make my own, from various bits of cosplay/craft stuff I had lying around. I thought I'd share two of them with you :)
The first, is a birthday card for one of my best friends, who's supported me a lot throughout the years. We both love (& miss) the Dead Space games & I like to do things different from what is conventional, so I made him a Convergence Day card; he loved it!
Front - The mask of Engineer, Isaac Clarke, protagonist of the Dead Space games.
Inside: Personal greeting, in the style of Dead Space's artwork.
The other card I'll share with you was for my sister & brother-in-law, to congratulate them on the birth of their son, earlier this year. Yes, that means that I'm an uncle. Yes, that does make me feel old. Let's just leave it there :P Anyhow, I thought that a personalised card would mean much more than a shop-bought one, & couldn't find one I was prepared to pay for that I liked, so I created this:
The stork is a variant on the traditional origami flying crane, with the bundle a simple ornament, albeit very small & fiddly to make! I threaded the bundle onto the bill of the stork with cotton, so it swings freely & gives a little more "life" to the card. Again, it was greatly appreciated :)
Anyhow, I hope you like the cards & feel free to ask any questions, especially if you want to have a go at making your own. It's fun, creative & can be as easy or as challenging as you like. Plus, home-made cards can be customised to suit anything or anyone, no matter how random xD
Take care all & thanks for reading! <3