so what have I been up to lately? I started a small design firm, doing web, graphics, and vinyl designs. I do a little of everything, design wise that is! I'm really enjoying it as well. Working for myself and being able to do as much or as little work as I want. So far I'm able to pay the bills and drink beer so I can't complain.
web design
graphic design
vinyl graphics
e commerce applications
corporate identity
check it out and let me know what you think.
web design
graphic design
vinyl graphics
e commerce applications
corporate identity
check it out and let me know what you think.

It's not bad for a Joomla! site. I'm using that right now for one of mine (i'm not a developer, just a manager). Let me know if you ever want constructive criticism from someone in the web design industry

hey man, how was your thanksgiving? ive hooked up with this band as a "manager" trying to get them signed to a label and what not. theyre in desperate need of some website and myspace overhauling. would you be interested in something like that? im not sure our budget right now but i figured i'd ask you and talk to them and see what we could come up with. the site now is its old and hasent really been updated in awhile. im trying to get them to do some professional promo pics so we can put together a press kit to shop them to some labels, but let me know what you think.