ALEX: Vice magazine describes this street as one melding a fucked-up combination of skater kids heading to work, NYU jocks getting wasted, rich suburban punks buying bondage pants, homeless crusty punks panning for change, Japanese tourists eating lunch, and cracked-out pathetic sore-infested junkie whores trying to score dope.
(And Me)
ALEX: Daniel
DANIEL: What is ...St. Marks between Second and Third...
Thats right
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(And Me)
ALEX: Daniel
DANIEL: What is ...St. Marks between Second and Third...
Thats right
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Just returned from
1. Saw the Dali Lahma...and all his little Lahmas..(he stayed at our hotel)
2. Smoked amazing Swiss weed in a boat with some french tourists on Lake Coumo
3. Danced at the Discos..
4. Spent quality time with my dad and told him about me getting that was fun
5. Boy can Italian girls give head...
Now its back to...
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1. Saw the Dali Lahma...and all his little Lahmas..(he stayed at our hotel)
2. Smoked amazing Swiss weed in a boat with some french tourists on Lake Coumo
3. Danced at the Discos..
4. Spent quality time with my dad and told him about me getting that was fun
5. Boy can Italian girls give head...
Now its back to...
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!! you had fun i see!!

The date is set, the debauchery is on its way.
The Ball of Brooklyn will be New York's most outrageous celebration of sight, sound and sin.
The doors open Thursday, August 18th at 11
The Ball of Brooklyn will be New York's most outrageous celebration of sight, sound and sin.
The doors open Thursday, August 18th at 11
How To Appear In A Hipster Photoblog
-- Don't look directly at the camera, look off to the side as if to indicate that something really cool is happening. But please, don't be excited that something cool is happening.
-- If you MUST look at the camera, be sure to make a pouty/kissy face. And don't try to be ironic, it won't translate.
-- Anybody...
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-- Don't look directly at the camera, look off to the side as if to indicate that something really cool is happening. But please, don't be excited that something cool is happening.
-- If you MUST look at the camera, be sure to make a pouty/kissy face. And don't try to be ironic, it won't translate.
-- Anybody...
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What do you get for a girl who has everything
do you wine her and dine her with treats
What do you get for the boy who has nothing
do you reward him, remind him of defeats
What do you get as a present for a king
who spent his life as the reciever of gold
What do you bestow upon an orphan of poverty...
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do you wine her and dine her with treats
What do you get for the boy who has nothing
do you reward him, remind him of defeats
What do you get as a present for a king
who spent his life as the reciever of gold
What do you bestow upon an orphan of poverty...
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Typing from a townhouse in the West Village after seeing the parade. Its fantastic the city we live in...truly.
How much wood does a woodchuck chuck...if said woodchuck could really chuck wood?
How much wood does a woodchuck chuck...if said woodchuck could really chuck wood?
call me, stephy and i are coming to the area i think in a week. stephy misses you.
hahaha! you would! i didnt know if it would bother you cuz its public.
ill email my number to you later shithead.
ill email my number to you later shithead.
I want to have an SG event at the restaurant I represent. The place is called My Moon and its a turkish restaurant in an amazing space right off Bedford on N10. Any comments or questions?
check me out kissing this girls think
Look for tongue and pearls...scary
check me out kissing this girls think
Look for tongue and pearls...scary
i'm in the city every other weekend. i'll let you know next time im there
i love you. youre parties are so typical.

i love you. youre parties are so typical.
A couple of things to review:
1. I didn't slave over the computer for that rather epic ode. It took me 25 minutes. Its been my favored method of storytelling since I was ten and I'm rather adept at writing them.
2. I didn't join this site for revenge. From this moment "tux for the bux" shall not be mentioned...much. My girlfriend before I moved...
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1. I didn't slave over the computer for that rather epic ode. It took me 25 minutes. Its been my favored method of storytelling since I was ten and I'm rather adept at writing them.
2. I didn't join this site for revenge. From this moment "tux for the bux" shall not be mentioned...much. My girlfriend before I moved...
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mwahahaha! now im just harrassing you with comments!
did you ever find your phone or my shoes?

mwahahaha! now im just harrassing you with comments!
did you ever find your phone or my shoes?
fancy seeing you 'round here.
thanks again for those pants, i was chosen prom king due to your contribution. (finally i can die happy and complete).
thanks again for those pants, i was chosen prom king due to your contribution. (finally i can die happy and complete).
Once there were siblings
Who aspired to be brave
And nothing would stop them
From leaving the cave
Out of homestead, the haven
All bombed out and pretty
They left their family and headed
To New York City
Life is rough though I tell you
A mean spirited bitch
But nothing can stop you
If you truly have the itch
A party the first day...
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Who aspired to be brave
And nothing would stop them
From leaving the cave
Out of homestead, the haven
All bombed out and pretty
They left their family and headed
To New York City
Life is rough though I tell you
A mean spirited bitch
But nothing can stop you
If you truly have the itch
A party the first day...
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beautifully put ♥
i hope youre doing better.
gimme a call later today if ya can.
i hope youre doing better.
gimme a call later today if ya can.
MAKES ME HAPPY: girls with black leggings, boys with eyeliner, new york, my brother and sister, pot, pot, pot and SHANNON!!!!!