Hello all,
I thought I should actually respond and start doing my blog homework so here we go,
"What inspired you to become a Suicide Girl?"
So it all began when a fellow Suicide Girl showed me the site and all the crazy stuff she has done since becoming one. My first thought was 'holy crap these girls are beautiful'. I followed all the social media and one day I thought heck why don't I apply- I got half way and actually scrapped my application and thought why would they want me?.
Two years on, I was scrolling through instagram and kind of got fed up of the repetitiveness wellbeing and how/ who we should be in which some model's promoted. I had just came out of undergoing surgery a few weeks before where I had my gallbladder removed, the process wasn't exactly straight forward which had and still has left me with some very visible raised scars. Already I have an indent underneath my chin (which is visible in my set) from another operation which didn't go to plan..
Anyway. I have never been overly confident with my overall appearance and when I was younger I always got told I was 'ugly', so having scars always made me want to cover up and hide. I'm not a size 6 and by far from it, I have the most awkward figure which I have began to embrace - finding the right clothes that flatter me is such a nightmare as I have about five various sizes on my body.
Moving on to the actual question, what inspired me to become a Suicide Girl, is the idea of being who I am and embracing every scar, lump, bump, mark and making that visible to everyone rather than hiding it because it's a part of me. Without sounding corny - actually being able to breathe and wanting to encourage other girls to be happy. not to shy away. ignore the negativity. be you is my main motive.