its amazing. absolutely unbelievable. mere days after i thought i had rid myself of this feeling forever. the feeling of utter disappointment. the anguish. the frustration. the hope and waiting that maybe someday soon things will get better...
the feeling of being a red sox fan. it had all changed. it was joy. the roller coaster ride that always ended in pain had stopped taking me on its miserable ride. those feelings were never going to be felt again...
til now. barely a week has passed and my soul is flooded with those feelings again. worse than ever. except its not as easy as shrugging it off and saying wait 'til next year and counting the days until spring training....

the feeling of being a red sox fan. it had all changed. it was joy. the roller coaster ride that always ended in pain had stopped taking me on its miserable ride. those feelings were never going to be felt again...
til now. barely a week has passed and my soul is flooded with those feelings again. worse than ever. except its not as easy as shrugging it off and saying wait 'til next year and counting the days until spring training....

Oh! The Theremin is done and I'm really happy with it. I may make a few more changes to the theremin and the cd book, but I'll post pics when I get a chance!
Try and relax some. you sound super stressed out!
did you go to buck 65?