independence day...
kinda wish i was down in philly at the anti-patriot act independence day rally. what better way to celebrate the freedom of our great land.
i guess the duke st. block party will have to do. my band's playing at 3pm if anyone is interested.
(we're also playing the living room saturday night)
kinda wish i was down in philly at the anti-patriot act independence day rally. what better way to celebrate the freedom of our great land.
i guess the duke st. block party will have to do. my band's playing at 3pm if anyone is interested.
(we're also playing the living room saturday night)
How did the block party go?!
damn. i'm still here. i forgot why i was leaving----oh yeah, to get a life. well i looked for one for about a day, and concluded that, yep, they're out of lives in my size. so this will have to do for a little bit longer.