Hey party people...
Sorry i havent been around in a while, works been kinda shit as im the only one who knows how to run the feckin' place, also decided to stop drinking for a while cuz i turn into a real monster. Ok heres the deal... ive tried doing a few different sets but i either look really stupid in them (i cant pose for shit) or theyre just really boring so i got angry and deleted them all. not sure SG's really for me anymore. all the other girls are all sexy and all hang out and know each other, im like the little squirt trying to fit in... erm anywho... had my neck tattooed the other side and had my sleeve partly finished, i think he presses too hard cuz ive got a couple of really deeps scabs on them. yummy... im going to be in brighton on the 5th to see the almighty send more paramedics so if anyones going let me know xxx
oh look a monkey...
Sorry i havent been around in a while, works been kinda shit as im the only one who knows how to run the feckin' place, also decided to stop drinking for a while cuz i turn into a real monster. Ok heres the deal... ive tried doing a few different sets but i either look really stupid in them (i cant pose for shit) or theyre just really boring so i got angry and deleted them all. not sure SG's really for me anymore. all the other girls are all sexy and all hang out and know each other, im like the little squirt trying to fit in... erm anywho... had my neck tattooed the other side and had my sleeve partly finished, i think he presses too hard cuz ive got a couple of really deeps scabs on them. yummy... im going to be in brighton on the 5th to see the almighty send more paramedics so if anyones going let me know xxx

oh, shut up, you`re beautiful and totally fit on the site, you should know that!
Akin to what others have said, there is the general rule of thumb that everyone thinks everyone else is glamarous but that they themselves suck. You wouldn't have gotten where you are here now if we didn't think you're glamorous.