So...this weekend was good.
Friday...ummm went to the pub after work...had a lot of cider...went home and ate gorgeous mushroom burgers. I was with my boy so it was good. up at some ungodly hour and headed to Wood Green, the local animal shelter. We looked around the kennels and I found two dogs that I wanted to take home, but there's no way with where we are living now that I could have taken them.
Then we headed to the cattery and had a look round. I saw little tortie I really liked and we went to ask for more info on her, filled in the forms etc. Then we were allowed to get her out and play with her, she was totally lovely but quite timid but very playful. I adored her. We put her back, had a chat and decided that maybe we weren't the best home for her because much as we loved her and she'd bond with us in time and gain confidence we have people over a lot and this would probably be v stressful for her.
As we were walking across the garden in centre of a cattery we saw a stunning cat in the end of one of the pens rubbing against the bars and looking at us...went in to ask about him and were allowed to go in the pen with him, he came up to us...rubbed against our legs and loved getting fuss...
I fell in love.... he has blue/grey fur; amber eyes and is 18 months old.
I pick him up TOMORROW
I'm so so excited, I can't wait to get him home!
He does need a name though, I can't decide what, he's an incredibly handsome cat and I want something cool and different that really suits him, but I can't decide!!
Suggestions anyone?
*update* so...i never actually finished this entry:
saturday afternoon, went a visited my parents, helped my mother prepare curry for 100 people.
went home and nadia came over..we got ready to go out.dragged ben out. And then squeezed into my boys car to peterborough picking up AdamMilk on the way....hit the met..outside which i heard some really drunk girl give an excuse for hardly being able to stand i hadn't heard yet:
"It was a really rough taxi ride"
yeah, she got told to go home.
Nads and I were supposed to have a driunking competition..but it didn't really happen, somehow we spent 60 bloody quid though on booze...60 quid...thats just me ben and nads and nads spoent 20 herself......oops
we will now be living on toast for the rest of the week.
i felt rough on sunday....i can't stop coughing, i coughed up bloody yesterday (monday) morning..I think it's time i started looking after my body. But right now I'm too happy about my cat to mope about it.
It was the boy and I's anniversary year, to be honest I didn't see us making it but we have and we're good and it makes me stupidly happy! we went to dinner and drank cocktails and i got tipsy and we had a giggle
Friday...ummm went to the pub after work...had a lot of cider...went home and ate gorgeous mushroom burgers. I was with my boy so it was good. up at some ungodly hour and headed to Wood Green, the local animal shelter. We looked around the kennels and I found two dogs that I wanted to take home, but there's no way with where we are living now that I could have taken them.

Then we headed to the cattery and had a look round. I saw little tortie I really liked and we went to ask for more info on her, filled in the forms etc. Then we were allowed to get her out and play with her, she was totally lovely but quite timid but very playful. I adored her. We put her back, had a chat and decided that maybe we weren't the best home for her because much as we loved her and she'd bond with us in time and gain confidence we have people over a lot and this would probably be v stressful for her.
As we were walking across the garden in centre of a cattery we saw a stunning cat in the end of one of the pens rubbing against the bars and looking at us...went in to ask about him and were allowed to go in the pen with him, he came up to us...rubbed against our legs and loved getting fuss...
I fell in love.... he has blue/grey fur; amber eyes and is 18 months old.

I pick him up TOMORROW

I'm so so excited, I can't wait to get him home!
He does need a name though, I can't decide what, he's an incredibly handsome cat and I want something cool and different that really suits him, but I can't decide!!
Suggestions anyone?
*update* so...i never actually finished this entry:
saturday afternoon, went a visited my parents, helped my mother prepare curry for 100 people.
went home and nadia came over..we got ready to go out.dragged ben out. And then squeezed into my boys car to peterborough picking up AdamMilk on the way....hit the met..outside which i heard some really drunk girl give an excuse for hardly being able to stand i hadn't heard yet:
"It was a really rough taxi ride"
yeah, she got told to go home.
Nads and I were supposed to have a driunking competition..but it didn't really happen, somehow we spent 60 bloody quid though on booze...60 quid...thats just me ben and nads and nads spoent 20 herself......oops

we will now be living on toast for the rest of the week.
i felt rough on sunday....i can't stop coughing, i coughed up bloody yesterday (monday) morning..I think it's time i started looking after my body. But right now I'm too happy about my cat to mope about it.
It was the boy and I's anniversary year, to be honest I didn't see us making it but we have and we're good and it makes me stupidly happy! we went to dinner and drank cocktails and i got tipsy and we had a giggle



Hows the kitty hows the kitty hows the kitty!!!
Photos please