The bank holiday weekend was a nice break. Although I'm now more tired than I was before I finished work last week!
I got to see my friend Kev who I haven't seen in a couple of weeks which was pretty cool. I'm trying to convince him to move down here, it sucks that he can only get down here every couple of months.
I spent a lot of my time just hanging out with the boy which was nice. He had a good birthday and seemed to really like his presents so I'm happy.
I've been trying to finalise the plan for my half sleeves. I have a few ideas but I need to pull them together. I'm stuck on a few things too. Above each elbow I'm going to have something to symbolise the path in life I have chosen. I will have an apple to represent healthy/poison free living and above the elbow I want something to represent my endeavour to live a cruelty free lifestyle (veganism). The thing is I'm stuck on what to have. It needs to be simple, bold and yet reasonably femine.
I've been eating junk again, well not total junk, but not as well as I had been and now I'm feeling a bit bad about my diet as of late. Its just harder when on a constant round of BBQs and friends houses. I'll try to be better though.
I'm feeling uninspired and exhausted after a long weekend, so keep me entertained?:
I got to see my friend Kev who I haven't seen in a couple of weeks which was pretty cool. I'm trying to convince him to move down here, it sucks that he can only get down here every couple of months.
I spent a lot of my time just hanging out with the boy which was nice. He had a good birthday and seemed to really like his presents so I'm happy.
I've been trying to finalise the plan for my half sleeves. I have a few ideas but I need to pull them together. I'm stuck on a few things too. Above each elbow I'm going to have something to symbolise the path in life I have chosen. I will have an apple to represent healthy/poison free living and above the elbow I want something to represent my endeavour to live a cruelty free lifestyle (veganism). The thing is I'm stuck on what to have. It needs to be simple, bold and yet reasonably femine.
I've been eating junk again, well not total junk, but not as well as I had been and now I'm feeling a bit bad about my diet as of late. Its just harder when on a constant round of BBQs and friends houses. I'll try to be better though.
I'm feeling uninspired and exhausted after a long weekend, so keep me entertained?:
have a nice day lady!!