So its 2006.
I was in a bad mood the other night, well more of a strange mood and said:
I have a new years resolution; only put the time in for people who are prepared to put it back in for you.
2006 is going to be a very different year.
Ill stick by the second bit. AS for the first, well thats very selfish and although Im sure it would make my life far simpler its not me. I lied.
The last few days Ive been thinking about last year. It was an odd one for sure. I got my own home, lived with the person I loved, had my heart broken, found my best friend in the entire world, grew up an awful lot, fell for someone more even though I didnt think it was possible to love them any more. Went road tripping, started to remove things from my life I didnt need, stood by someone when they needed me and never faltered, got angry, got jealous, was very happy, visited Amsterdam, Switzerland, France and Cornwall. Hurt myself and at times others, learned to look after myself and that I can stand alone and be happy.
I learnt a lot about myself this last year and about the people around me.
This year I want ..
To be a better person. Sounds corny doesnt it. I used to be far more laid back. I was more patient and I want to get back to that, but I also wont take shit anymore. I dont want to let myself be wound up by people as much as I currently am.
To loose a little weight and feel happy with my body. Im starting January with a clear out. No wheat, no sugary drinks, as many fruit and vegetables as I can manage. Avoid the oils although its hard to stay away from those artichoke hearts in olive oil. I want to throw myself into my exercise classes and maybe add some more once Im a little more fit.
Pass my driving test. I dont want to ask for lifts any more. My friends do a lot for me and I want to be able to help them out for once.
Continue to stay booze/drug/smoke free. Its not easy but worth it.
Be as strict as is possible with my vegan diet. Its something I feel more passionate about each day.
Drink more water.
Work at my relationships with the people who are important to me.
Continue my drawing, add to my portfolio and try and get myself the apprenticeship I want so much.
2006 is going to be a very different year
P.s. Looks like an idea I had a few months ago on a drunken boat ride involving my company and SG might be going somewhere.
I was in a bad mood the other night, well more of a strange mood and said:
I have a new years resolution; only put the time in for people who are prepared to put it back in for you.
2006 is going to be a very different year.
Ill stick by the second bit. AS for the first, well thats very selfish and although Im sure it would make my life far simpler its not me. I lied.
The last few days Ive been thinking about last year. It was an odd one for sure. I got my own home, lived with the person I loved, had my heart broken, found my best friend in the entire world, grew up an awful lot, fell for someone more even though I didnt think it was possible to love them any more. Went road tripping, started to remove things from my life I didnt need, stood by someone when they needed me and never faltered, got angry, got jealous, was very happy, visited Amsterdam, Switzerland, France and Cornwall. Hurt myself and at times others, learned to look after myself and that I can stand alone and be happy.
I learnt a lot about myself this last year and about the people around me.
This year I want ..
To be a better person. Sounds corny doesnt it. I used to be far more laid back. I was more patient and I want to get back to that, but I also wont take shit anymore. I dont want to let myself be wound up by people as much as I currently am.
To loose a little weight and feel happy with my body. Im starting January with a clear out. No wheat, no sugary drinks, as many fruit and vegetables as I can manage. Avoid the oils although its hard to stay away from those artichoke hearts in olive oil. I want to throw myself into my exercise classes and maybe add some more once Im a little more fit.
Pass my driving test. I dont want to ask for lifts any more. My friends do a lot for me and I want to be able to help them out for once.
Continue to stay booze/drug/smoke free. Its not easy but worth it.
Be as strict as is possible with my vegan diet. Its something I feel more passionate about each day.
Drink more water.
Work at my relationships with the people who are important to me.
Continue my drawing, add to my portfolio and try and get myself the apprenticeship I want so much.
2006 is going to be a very different year
P.s. Looks like an idea I had a few months ago on a drunken boat ride involving my company and SG might be going somewhere.
Thanks you! I'm trying to do the same in 2006, I'm starting it trimmer than last year so I'm hoping to keep on the same track! Fingers crossed to both of us. Hope all else is well with you lady 
