I have no idea what I've been up to since my last update, working and partying too hard for sure.
Doing my first interview for a band promotion agency, we'll see how that turns out. I've got one call to make after I finish this and then write it up, due in the end of the day. I'd better hurry!
I didn't do anything for Halloween except sit in my friends house and giggle at the kids who came to trick or treat at her door. I wish I'd had something to dress up for! There was a party over the weekend, But I couldn't be bothered, had a good night in with my friend Sammy, drank nice wine and I made the nicest Vegan pizza. I'm getting really good at those. I'd just got into bed as I was working the weekend and I get a call from AdamMilk telling me I have to get dressed and come party. I thought I'd just go along for a half hour or so and then go back to bed. I finally stumbled in at going on for 5am after some of this:
Ben is pimpin.
It was a funny night, but I felt dead trying to work the next day on a couple of hours sleep.
I stayed in Saturday and watched House of Flying Daggers, it was pretty good but I was still exhausted so found giving it my full attention hard work.
BT took 202.90 off me for cancelling my broadband because it wouldnt work. I'm locked in a bitter battle with them over it currently.
I'm getting very worried about my circulation and loss of feeling in my hands and my right leg. It scared the hell out of me. I should go and get it checked up.
I stretched my ears up to 12mm (well a bit above, I have double flares in) and put some really cute plugs I bought at the London tattoo convention in. They are black with hearts cut out, with the inside painted red. I'm very happy with them. I need to get a picture!
I have decided that I will be buying myself a new camera as my digital is still broken. I have no idea what to get though!!
I'm saving for a car and now to visit my friend Ishsha as she moves to South Africa next week. I'm feeling pretty skint at the moment!!
Sunday I went for a lovely walk and a chat with Seb and we had our ritual Sunday fry-up. It was my friend Lindsey's birthday so we went to the pub and got her spectacularly wasted.
I've been thinking about stopping drinking. I like a nice glass of wine with dinner, but I'm not feeling the being drunk any more. I don't really like the person I can be when I'm drunk. I'll be giving it some more thought.
I'm still being good and not smoking!!! I'm so proud of myself!!!
I'm sure there is more but I need to get on with that interview.
I'm trying to loose some weight so I'm going to give a food diary a go see if it makes me eat any better!
2 cans diet coke
1 bowl of special k and soy milk
2 glasses of orange juice
1 small bowl of mashed potato
1 soy yoghurt yoghurt
3 pittas with low fat houmous and cherry tomatoes
1 slice of fruitcake
cycled 5 miles
1 bowl of special k and soy milk
1 glass of orange juice
2 diet coke
3 black teas
1 tea with soy milk
2 soy yoghurts
falafelk and houmour wrap
raspberry frapuccino
I went a bit wrong!!
cycled 2.5 miles
Doing my first interview for a band promotion agency, we'll see how that turns out. I've got one call to make after I finish this and then write it up, due in the end of the day. I'd better hurry!
I didn't do anything for Halloween except sit in my friends house and giggle at the kids who came to trick or treat at her door. I wish I'd had something to dress up for! There was a party over the weekend, But I couldn't be bothered, had a good night in with my friend Sammy, drank nice wine and I made the nicest Vegan pizza. I'm getting really good at those. I'd just got into bed as I was working the weekend and I get a call from AdamMilk telling me I have to get dressed and come party. I thought I'd just go along for a half hour or so and then go back to bed. I finally stumbled in at going on for 5am after some of this:

Ben is pimpin.
It was a funny night, but I felt dead trying to work the next day on a couple of hours sleep.
I stayed in Saturday and watched House of Flying Daggers, it was pretty good but I was still exhausted so found giving it my full attention hard work.
BT took 202.90 off me for cancelling my broadband because it wouldnt work. I'm locked in a bitter battle with them over it currently.
I'm getting very worried about my circulation and loss of feeling in my hands and my right leg. It scared the hell out of me. I should go and get it checked up.
I stretched my ears up to 12mm (well a bit above, I have double flares in) and put some really cute plugs I bought at the London tattoo convention in. They are black with hearts cut out, with the inside painted red. I'm very happy with them. I need to get a picture!
I have decided that I will be buying myself a new camera as my digital is still broken. I have no idea what to get though!!
I'm saving for a car and now to visit my friend Ishsha as she moves to South Africa next week. I'm feeling pretty skint at the moment!!
Sunday I went for a lovely walk and a chat with Seb and we had our ritual Sunday fry-up. It was my friend Lindsey's birthday so we went to the pub and got her spectacularly wasted.
I've been thinking about stopping drinking. I like a nice glass of wine with dinner, but I'm not feeling the being drunk any more. I don't really like the person I can be when I'm drunk. I'll be giving it some more thought.
I'm still being good and not smoking!!! I'm so proud of myself!!!
I'm sure there is more but I need to get on with that interview.
I'm trying to loose some weight so I'm going to give a food diary a go see if it makes me eat any better!
2 cans diet coke
1 bowl of special k and soy milk
2 glasses of orange juice
1 small bowl of mashed potato
1 soy yoghurt yoghurt
3 pittas with low fat houmous and cherry tomatoes
1 slice of fruitcake
cycled 5 miles
1 bowl of special k and soy milk
1 glass of orange juice
2 diet coke
3 black teas
1 tea with soy milk
2 soy yoghurts
falafelk and houmour wrap
raspberry frapuccino
I went a bit wrong!!
cycled 2.5 miles
oh, go to the doctor about the loss of feeling lady, it could be something really simple that he can help you with. i don't want you to get ill...