Hello friends
The past couple weeks have been super busy. I have been commuting between my boyfriend's house and mine regularly and we are literally just biding time until we can finally move in together and stop the madness. The big move will take place at the end of July after Comicon, so yay
I know that I said in my last blog I was going to get a new tattoo, but it didn't happen. I've ran into issues like this before, but even though i called and spoke to the artist before I saw him in person, and he said he felt comfortable tattooing necks, he wasn't comfortable doing something so "prominent" on my body. All i want is some simple, little script from Jack Kerouac's on the road along the bottom of my jawline. "Burn, burn, burn" or perhaps just one with a flourish, similar to the placement Amina has under her chin. Not so prominent, fucking lovely! It's silly to me that people think that the order in which you receive tattoos matters..... If you think that getting a tattoo on your chin is scandalous, then it's scandalous no matter what other tattoos you have around it, do you understand? In any case, the search continues for someone who will execute this well thought out, classy design for me. I'll let you know how it goes
My birthday was also this past week, a couple days ago I suppose, but I mostly took photos about it. My boyfriend sort of surprised me and after work in the morning (630-1030 AM) we took a birthday nap and had a lovely lunch outside and went to the Albany Bulb to mess around. The Bulb is this little piece of land that sticks out into the SF Bay and used to be a landfill. Now it is kind of a part of the national park there and it has really turned into an art collective where people can go to create statues and paintings and the like out of materials they find around there. it's really fucking fantastic and my boyfriend has a better description of it with photos at his art blog HERE. After the bulb, we went to a gorgeous restaurant right on the bay with huge open windows and watched the sunset and had a delicious fucking dinner. It was amazing, , hands down, the best birthday I've ever had.

Photos of my lovely birthday

The past couple weeks have been super busy. I have been commuting between my boyfriend's house and mine regularly and we are literally just biding time until we can finally move in together and stop the madness. The big move will take place at the end of July after Comicon, so yay

I know that I said in my last blog I was going to get a new tattoo, but it didn't happen. I've ran into issues like this before, but even though i called and spoke to the artist before I saw him in person, and he said he felt comfortable tattooing necks, he wasn't comfortable doing something so "prominent" on my body. All i want is some simple, little script from Jack Kerouac's on the road along the bottom of my jawline. "Burn, burn, burn" or perhaps just one with a flourish, similar to the placement Amina has under her chin. Not so prominent, fucking lovely! It's silly to me that people think that the order in which you receive tattoos matters..... If you think that getting a tattoo on your chin is scandalous, then it's scandalous no matter what other tattoos you have around it, do you understand? In any case, the search continues for someone who will execute this well thought out, classy design for me. I'll let you know how it goes

My birthday was also this past week, a couple days ago I suppose, but I mostly took photos about it. My boyfriend sort of surprised me and after work in the morning (630-1030 AM) we took a birthday nap and had a lovely lunch outside and went to the Albany Bulb to mess around. The Bulb is this little piece of land that sticks out into the SF Bay and used to be a landfill. Now it is kind of a part of the national park there and it has really turned into an art collective where people can go to create statues and paintings and the like out of materials they find around there. it's really fucking fantastic and my boyfriend has a better description of it with photos at his art blog HERE. After the bulb, we went to a gorgeous restaurant right on the bay with huge open windows and watched the sunset and had a delicious fucking dinner. It was amazing, , hands down, the best birthday I've ever had.

Photos of my lovely birthday

Hope you're all enjoying the lovely summer weather, at least, it's summery and FUCKING HOT out here. I love it
The trip was amazing. Lost my luggage from Prague to Rome for 72 hours, that was a bit expensive, but I did get it back so I'll survive. Prague and Paris were my favorite places for different reasons. Loved the food in Rome and Prague the most. Berlin was super cool and really trendy, I loved shopping there. I avoided getting pick-pocketed in Naples on my way to Pompai.
How's everything going with you? I've been sorta MIA the past few weeks, lol