That's it. That's really all I've got suicide goers! My boyfriend came home last Monday, one week from today I suppose that is. This has literally been the most pleasantly-comatose-overwhelming-FUCK week I've ever had. It was so fucking unreal to touch his face and hug him in person after two months of skype and IM being our only modes of contact. I took BART to the airport maybe two hours early and just spent that time with my tummy in knots. I love this person more than I love living, I haven't been in his arms in over two months and now he's coming home to me forever......
I felt like I was going to vomit then from anxiety and I feel like I'm going to vomit now from sickly romanticism. When did I become such a softie, I don't know.
In any case, it's been the most beautiful week, I swear it. Just doing art and talking and listening to music. Food and fucking[!!!!!!!!!!!] and laying in bed and just being together. FCK. He's literally pouring me a tall cold one (apple juice...........................) as I type this
Is it supposed to still scare me that I want this forever? It doesn't............
IN OTHER NEWS: my set goes up on THE TWENTIETH!!! I think I posted earlier that it goes up on the 21st but I was wrong!!! (what else is new.....) I'm really really FOCKING stoked about this set...... i'll DEFINITELY post a blog on Wednesday because I'll be toooooooo fucking stoked not to
How are you all doing, lovelies? Good weeks?!
hoping so! (off to have more welcomehomesex and apple juice
xo Avenall
That's it. That's really all I've got suicide goers! My boyfriend came home last Monday, one week from today I suppose that is. This has literally been the most pleasantly-comatose-overwhelming-FUCK week I've ever had. It was so fucking unreal to touch his face and hug him in person after two months of skype and IM being our only modes of contact. I took BART to the airport maybe two hours early and just spent that time with my tummy in knots. I love this person more than I love living, I haven't been in his arms in over two months and now he's coming home to me forever......
I felt like I was going to vomit then from anxiety and I feel like I'm going to vomit now from sickly romanticism. When did I become such a softie, I don't know.
In any case, it's been the most beautiful week, I swear it. Just doing art and talking and listening to music. Food and fucking[!!!!!!!!!!!] and laying in bed and just being together. FCK. He's literally pouring me a tall cold one (apple juice...........................) as I type this

Is it supposed to still scare me that I want this forever? It doesn't............
IN OTHER NEWS: my set goes up on THE TWENTIETH!!! I think I posted earlier that it goes up on the 21st but I was wrong!!! (what else is new.....) I'm really really FOCKING stoked about this set...... i'll DEFINITELY post a blog on Wednesday because I'll be toooooooo fucking stoked not to

How are you all doing, lovelies? Good weeks?!

hoping so! (off to have more welcomehomesex and apple juice

xo Avenall
Awesome news about your set! I'll look for it tomorrow after work, that's always exciting stuff!
Enjoy all the apple juice and sex... lol...
I'm off to Europe on Sunday, for 3 weeks! I'm excited about that, and we've booked Paris and Berlin accommodations already. It's fairly cheap if you book early for these places! Now it's just looking up a few train schedules in both cities so that my buddy and I can see everything we want to see. Excited about Prague and renting scooters in Rome for day trips to Napoli, Pisa, and maybe Venice.
Enjoy your week, and great news that he's home, and you're in his arms!