^That is the noise happening in my head right now!!! SO I missed a week on my blog.
I've never made a resolution I kept!!! Perhaps, I should make a resolution to always post blogs less frequently than one week. Maybe that will just confuse me...
Im already lost. I have the distinct writing style of an autistic hamster when I'm not thinking nice Faulknery thoughts. As you can/will see.
IRREGARDLESS. (Like from the Jersey kids sketch?! Jimmy Fallon anyone????) There are a lot of big things going on in my life right now. Things all falling into place and some stressfull things too. I have like seven driving infractions that are all in various stages of beaurocratic red tape right now. I am honestly just waiting for someone to just knock on my door and ask to take my license away. The worstiest part is that I am actually a good driver, just have bad luck and don't care much for signs that instruct me not to make U-turns. I will do as I please, silly metal sign. Thank you..
I finally quit my old job at the art store and am working full time hocking coffee. My boyfriend comes home to my bed in five fecking days. I am going to have so. much. sex. My sex life with out him is just abysmal. No matter how much I try and masturbate the pain away, I just miss his lovely assets even more and then have to beat it more to compensate. It's an awfully vicious cycle that renders me simply depressed. I've been doing art lately, which is impressive, considering that I am just in a BLAHBLHABLHABLH mood all day! Also, it's been FUCKING SUNNY here. THE SUN! What a wonderful commodity! I had nearly forgotten what it felt like to wear summer dresses (without tights and boots) and I can nearly pretend I'm home in San Diego again. Nearly.
The only overwhelming part of life is that, I'm really used to just getting what I want. I will work my ass off for it, but I always get it. And when stressful, irritating things rack up (like my tickets, or my paypal account, or the swap meet thread of shit I want to sell that I"m trying to get put up) I wasn't ever really trained how to deal with them. (In fact, my upbringing strongly encouraged denial of any sort of emotions. Stoicism FTW!) So they just kind of sit there, and fester, and pester, and I ignore them until it's very, very nearly too late. I'm still not sure how to deal with it all.
In an extremely appropriate segway....See me getting a tan!!!!
hope everyone's having a good start-of-spring

^That is the noise happening in my head right now!!! SO I missed a week on my blog.

Im already lost. I have the distinct writing style of an autistic hamster when I'm not thinking nice Faulknery thoughts. As you can/will see.
IRREGARDLESS. (Like from the Jersey kids sketch?! Jimmy Fallon anyone????) There are a lot of big things going on in my life right now. Things all falling into place and some stressfull things too. I have like seven driving infractions that are all in various stages of beaurocratic red tape right now. I am honestly just waiting for someone to just knock on my door and ask to take my license away. The worstiest part is that I am actually a good driver, just have bad luck and don't care much for signs that instruct me not to make U-turns. I will do as I please, silly metal sign. Thank you..
I finally quit my old job at the art store and am working full time hocking coffee. My boyfriend comes home to my bed in five fecking days. I am going to have so. much. sex. My sex life with out him is just abysmal. No matter how much I try and masturbate the pain away, I just miss his lovely assets even more and then have to beat it more to compensate. It's an awfully vicious cycle that renders me simply depressed. I've been doing art lately, which is impressive, considering that I am just in a BLAHBLHABLHABLH mood all day! Also, it's been FUCKING SUNNY here. THE SUN! What a wonderful commodity! I had nearly forgotten what it felt like to wear summer dresses (without tights and boots) and I can nearly pretend I'm home in San Diego again. Nearly.
The only overwhelming part of life is that, I'm really used to just getting what I want. I will work my ass off for it, but I always get it. And when stressful, irritating things rack up (like my tickets, or my paypal account, or the swap meet thread of shit I want to sell that I"m trying to get put up) I wasn't ever really trained how to deal with them. (In fact, my upbringing strongly encouraged denial of any sort of emotions. Stoicism FTW!) So they just kind of sit there, and fester, and pester, and I ignore them until it's very, very nearly too late. I'm still not sure how to deal with it all.
In an extremely appropriate segway....See me getting a tan!!!!

Very nice bikini!
I know! Such an awesome role model!