Wow, So I've been neglecting SG, shame on me. So much has gone on in the past few weeks. Moved from DC back home to Texas. Bitch of an ex gf tore my heart to shreds, bought a car, the spouse and I are all grown up and made an amazingly adult decision to purchase new washer and dryer. Trying to get my website up and running....lots of things gettin' down with the get down! Well enough with my rambling for the night....I'm exhausted. Goodnight Lost Boys!!
Ohhhhh....I almost forgot, I vamped it up on Halloween this year, hella smexy if I say so myself!!!
Ohhhhh....I almost forgot, I vamped it up on Halloween this year, hella smexy if I say so myself!!!

Where did you find those amazing contacts btw they look UV reactive