So, Im barely ever on here anymore. Weathers getting nicer so Im not hibernating as much.
As of right now, Im waiting for some shots from my photographer to come back. Just lingerie, not nude, sorry lol. Not yet. When it gets warmer out, Im doing a set. I know, I know, but shits gotten complicated. Things are going to start getting better in July, but shit needs to get better before May and theres just no possible way right now.
We need to safety and e-test our car by May, or we cant update its sticker to keep it on the road. Unfortunately, its not going to pass. At all. As a *short* list of whats wrong with it: left side back door flies open if handle isnt pushed down, gas gauge is broke, shocks are gone, struts are gone, steering is going as it always veers to the left, it shakes uncontrollably, theres a ball bearing loose in the motor, we have to unplug the battery everytime we stop for more then 10 minutes otherwise it randomly dies BUT its not the battery or the alternator, theyre fine. And the transmission is going. And thats just what I can think of right now. Oh plus no hest or air conditioning, but that doesnt affect how it runs so meh. Sucks in the heat and cold though.
So basically, were fucked. We have no savings, although weve been trying, and do have about 500, thats just not enough. So Im super stressed. It sucks when you can even take your kids to a zoo or a pool in the summer a half hour drive away in your own city because the car just would not make it. Its very depressing.
Im going to school to improve my english enough to get my GED, which isnt much cuz Im good at English to begin with.
All I want, is a new fucking car. That right now would make me happy. Unfortunately, it doesnt look like its going to happen. Money is the root of all evil.
So Im a very stressed little person. My 5 year old son doesnt like doing his schoolwork, and is having a hard time with his letters. Ive been working on trying to bond with him again, because ever since my dumb ex started this long ass court battle for my daughter, my son has pulled away from all of us. Focus went on my daughter because of the fear of losing her, and unfortunately my son suffered, which was not the intention. But its hard to bond with someone who doesnt listen to a damn thing you say to the point your in tears because of it. /sigh Life hasnt been easy lately, and it feels like its only going to get super worse.
As of right now, Im waiting for some shots from my photographer to come back. Just lingerie, not nude, sorry lol. Not yet. When it gets warmer out, Im doing a set. I know, I know, but shits gotten complicated. Things are going to start getting better in July, but shit needs to get better before May and theres just no possible way right now.
We need to safety and e-test our car by May, or we cant update its sticker to keep it on the road. Unfortunately, its not going to pass. At all. As a *short* list of whats wrong with it: left side back door flies open if handle isnt pushed down, gas gauge is broke, shocks are gone, struts are gone, steering is going as it always veers to the left, it shakes uncontrollably, theres a ball bearing loose in the motor, we have to unplug the battery everytime we stop for more then 10 minutes otherwise it randomly dies BUT its not the battery or the alternator, theyre fine. And the transmission is going. And thats just what I can think of right now. Oh plus no hest or air conditioning, but that doesnt affect how it runs so meh. Sucks in the heat and cold though.
So basically, were fucked. We have no savings, although weve been trying, and do have about 500, thats just not enough. So Im super stressed. It sucks when you can even take your kids to a zoo or a pool in the summer a half hour drive away in your own city because the car just would not make it. Its very depressing.
Im going to school to improve my english enough to get my GED, which isnt much cuz Im good at English to begin with.
All I want, is a new fucking car. That right now would make me happy. Unfortunately, it doesnt look like its going to happen. Money is the root of all evil.
So Im a very stressed little person. My 5 year old son doesnt like doing his schoolwork, and is having a hard time with his letters. Ive been working on trying to bond with him again, because ever since my dumb ex started this long ass court battle for my daughter, my son has pulled away from all of us. Focus went on my daughter because of the fear of losing her, and unfortunately my son suffered, which was not the intention. But its hard to bond with someone who doesnt listen to a damn thing you say to the point your in tears because of it. /sigh Life hasnt been easy lately, and it feels like its only going to get super worse.
Sure sounds like things are tough right now. I hope they get better soon. Hang in there sweetie. I know this will sound silly, but try not to worry too much; that usually doesn't help and in fact makes things worse. I know, lame advice, but I think it is true. On a more cheerful note, I sure hope you do a set one of these days because in my book you are one gorgeous, sexy, hot looking lady. Good luck!