So I was talking to a friend of mine this morning and he decided he was going to give me ballet classes. He has zero dance experience whatsoever and told me he was just going to call out things for me to do based on what he thinks it looks like. For example, he told me to do the "leg pointy backwards toe out thing in the air", so I did an arabesque. Then he said "stand on your toes then don't then do it again real fast", so I did some releves. Then he called developpe walks "the graceful sneak" and referred to bourres as "walk on your tippy toes, quick little movements."
I was having a bad day, and so far this little game as totally made my day better! I was just sending him pictures and videos to confirm I had his instructions correct and it was a blasty. :)
Just something to consider if you're a bored dancer with a non-dancing friend, or vice versa...