That has got to be the worst face I've ever made. I love how you wrote this. and though Europe was fun and I know you'll miss it...you'll be home with me and by the beach and with our dog soon. <3
HAHAHA! great question. every time i turned around some babe with a tray full of it was handing me a shot. not to mention ordering the free shots and drinks at the bar. also not to mention consuming my fair share of my usual whiskey and beer. and i remember every moment. i am well-conditioned. wink
Would a zombie have balance? I really need to know. I'm preparing my exit strategy eeek
Really enjoying being back from Afghanistan. Finally back to the real world again. Now that I look back at my life just a few short months ago, i realized id become a zombie. After a while of being there, you forget about how much you actually left behind. After about six months everything just becomes a distant memory, a hope or just a dream. But...
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Zombie face, I can't wait for you to come play with your child Dori. smile hehe. I love you.
Finally tricked my fiance into marrying me muhahhahahahaahahha i couldnt be happier smile
psh, you didn't trick me. I can't wait to be back in your arms!
Less than a month, then its bye bye to Afghanistan FOREVER!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's a great one.
"Lady Liberty, come down and bleed to me
I want nothing to do with your crazy world
Broken promises, those poor noises
Are bringin' it by the time for all the famine and the law
From the contras to the upstarts to shouted Sandanistas"

"Lady Liberty, come down and bleed to me
You had me to believe that the streets are paved in gold
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One of the only Rancid songs I don't skip.
You knoww....that snow looks like yall were kinda having fun!! Even if it was in Afghanistan!! but I bet you can't wait to get away! I hateee the cold!! haha. I can't wait to be on the damn beach!! woot woot 9 more months and you will be free. lol. you'll have fun again in Germany. Miss you.
Dude, apple cinnamon muffins
and cola
rock my world.
Im going to get fat from eating them constantly.
I quit smoking and replaced my addiction for nicotine
for an addiction of caffeine
Its been a month.
And this is the first time i have quit,
I hope it is the last.
Why is it that all couples
fight when they drink together?
Seems to be...
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they are amazing books!! i have only read one book by chuck. survivor. i did dig it. i think you would like charles bukowski. he is very beautifully cynical and misanthropic. i started with his short stories..tales of ordinary madness is a good book. he was influenced alot by celine which is why i picked him up as well. and kurt vonnegut. if you haven't already read him. every book he has is amazing. apple cinnamon muffins are amazing as are caffeine addictions. congrats on quitting. i quit a year and a half ago but i still smoke when i drink and i drink alot so i guess i am still somewhat of a failure haha