I need to go home and be with my girlfriend.
I'm tired of this Army bullshit.
It feels like Fall already. Damn Germany and its two months of summer.
In other news- I can no longer kill entire bottles of jager alone. I'm a light weight and i think im getting old. Shit.
Thats all.
I'm tired of this Army bullshit.
It feels like Fall already. Damn Germany and its two months of summer.
In other news- I can no longer kill entire bottles of jager alone. I'm a light weight and i think im getting old. Shit.
Thats all.
You oldie. Haha. You apparently couldn't even kill it with help!! That's sadddd!! Jager and I aren't friends anymore and it's all your fault!! And it's all good love. Silly army shit. I do miss you though. Sucks about summer, it's still hot here. But you gotta man up with your Jager skills old man. Sheeshhhh.
yayyyy i got to see you today and yesterday!! I'm so excited that you're back at the hotel. I missed youuuu!! And that sucks about stupid Germany's weather. Come home. It's hot here. I swear they won't care. that way I can take care of you too. hahaha. I love you.