Ive been living with my brother for two weeks and every day I come home its something different! Either the dog has chewed up my practically new couch or there are so many damn dishes in the kitchen that I can even make my self dinner! This is such bull shit! His fucking dog has ruined my couch! I may have gotten it for free but still its a fucking expensive couch and when i got it it was only 6 or so months old. NOW every cushion is ripped up and the stuffing is ripped out of it and my throw pillows are ripped up. Its bad enough i have to leave my door shut so the dog doesn't shit in my room or tear my shit up but how the fuck am I supposed to fit my couch in my room. This is such bullshit and now hes pissed at me b.c I told him he needs to keep his dog in a cage when no one is home and watch him when he is home. He has no fucking job and fucked up his hand so he has an excuse to not do shit around the house. Ive only been here two fucking weeks and already I'm ready to leave! He said that it pisses him off that I come in to "his" house and take over. BUT news flash to him this is our dads house and he is nice enough to let us live here rent free. Not only is he living here rent free but he doesn't have a job and when he gets a job he only holds on to it for a few months and funny how when he has a job my dads still paying his bills. So yeah I'm taking over the house that you trashed taking over the house that you let your dog shit all over! I have a fucking job and dad doesn't pay my bills so yes I'm taking the house that our dad so generously lets us stay in and you trashed by letting your dog piss and shit all over the place and putting hole in the wall. he's been here for over a year and the place has gotten progressively worse and all he can do it blame it on his roommates! Today we had a talk about hes going to start to clean shit up and take care of things and how his dog is getting better then I bring it up to him that his dog ruined my couch and rather then saying hey man I'm sorry my dog chewed up your shit or offering to have it fixed or even disciplining his dog he just storms out without saying a single word gets in his jeep and drives off. He leaves for st Louis Saturday and when he gets back shit is going to change and that dog i swear to god I'm going to find him a new home!
lol. thats a bummer.