My eyes are still tired. Even though I went to bed at 10 last night.
I'm reading LAMB : The gospel according to Biff. I got to chapter two.
I need to get my tiers balanced. I'm broke!
But I wont complain because I'm only broke because I didn't manage my money well.
Did fresh red last night! Its in my eyes. My hair not the dye.
I had a crappy dream last night. The X-bf wont go away. He did for a while. Then I was nice when he recently contacted me. BIG mistake. Ignorant man will get ignored.
Julia's going to be in town this weekend. Which means party by the pool. (no more party by the beach) Party by the beach = painful incoherence a were i never want to go again. So we will party in the security of my complex. Your welcome to come!
I want a new job! Any suggestion. Insurance blows and not your penis it just blows like a bullet blowing through your head.
At school Im doing a short story project my subject Jonestown
Cant wait to get started tonight! I need to figure out how to make these flash things postable. For my first time in flash i did an animated logo and for never have using flash before I think it came out rather decent.
UGH I hate work!
I'm reading LAMB : The gospel according to Biff. I got to chapter two.
I need to get my tiers balanced. I'm broke!

But I wont complain because I'm only broke because I didn't manage my money well.
Did fresh red last night! Its in my eyes. My hair not the dye.
I had a crappy dream last night. The X-bf wont go away. He did for a while. Then I was nice when he recently contacted me. BIG mistake. Ignorant man will get ignored.
Julia's going to be in town this weekend. Which means party by the pool. (no more party by the beach) Party by the beach = painful incoherence a were i never want to go again. So we will party in the security of my complex. Your welcome to come!
I want a new job! Any suggestion. Insurance blows and not your penis it just blows like a bullet blowing through your head.
At school Im doing a short story project my subject Jonestown

Cant wait to get started tonight! I need to figure out how to make these flash things postable. For my first time in flash i did an animated logo and for never have using flash before I think it came out rather decent.
UGH I hate work!
I get the going to bed early ans still being tired. Sometimes going to be early makes it worse for me in the morning.
What kind of job do you want?
Jonestown huh. I watched a documentary a few months ago on that. Very interesting stuff.
James town is pretty crazy! I cant wait to post the video I'm making. Its driving the kids nuts in class b.c I'm adding movie clips from the documentary. The last scene of when they drink the kool aid and die. So they have to listen to the speech over and over. I think its funny! Told every one I'm going to pass out kool aid when we have our showing.