Last night I found out my shoot was to be post-pone until next Friday. On th upside we should get the ok to do it at the tattoo shop! SO I woke up at 5 am with my boyfriend and our room mate. We headed out to lil mud creek to launch the boat for a morning of fishing. We hung out by the power plant on the flats for most of the day. We got two jacks, a good sized sheeps head and a bull shark. I got a bunch of great shots of the sun coming up.
Im going to go munch out on some brownies now!





Im going to go munch out on some brownies now!
Thank you! Its so nice to be out before the sun comes up and be the first one on the water, Its so peaceful..
Nice, I've always wanted to get out and take some sunrise photos but I don't have the will power to get up that early, and the nights when I'm out until the sunrise I never have my camera ready...